Events & Webinars

Meet the SPT team at events all over the globe and virtually via our webinars.

Discover the latest breakthroughs in scientific research and cutting-edge technologies as we bring together prominent experts and industry leaders in the field, covering a wide range of topics, including advancements in genomics, drug discovery, biotechnology, and more.

Featured Events

Event Banner (7)
ADLM 2024
Chicago, IL

Join us in Chicago, IL, USA for ADLM 2024 to explore our cutting-edge innovations + technologies shaping the future of laboratory medicine.  ADLM  offers something for everyone in laboratory medicine, from Plenaries featuring world-renowned scientists to intimate Roundtables. Visit their website to find out more about the event & to plan your schedule around the various talks that'll be happening.

29 JUL - 1 AUG 2024
9:00 (CDT)
M&M 2024 Annual Meeting
Cleveland, OH

M&M [The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) and the Microanalysis Society (MAS)] conference is the largest scientific meeting and gathering of microscopy and microanalysis professionals, academics, technicians, students and exhibitors in the world. Be sure to speak to one of our experts about how our innovations have impacted the landscape of research.

28-31 June 2024
8:00 (GMT-4)
Festival of Genomics - Boston
The Festival of Genomics & Biodata
Boston, US

The Festival of Genomics & Biodata takes place in both London (UK) and Boston (USA). The Festival is designed to deliver the benefits of genomics to patients faster. We'll be showcasing some of the newest innovations we have in genomics across various applications.

12-13 June 2024
9:00 (GMT-4)
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Webinars
More events to follow soon!
Optimizing multi-cellular models for high-throughput screening

Join us as we dive into recent research which has combined Design of Experiments methodology with automated liquid handling to develop a cardiotoxicity assay platform. 

Driving Throughput in tRNA Library Generation With Automated Liquid Handling - GenomeWeb

Join Russel Vincent from the Church Lab and Biopolymers Genomics Core Facility (BPF) at Harvard Medical School as he shares insights on optimizing tRNA sequencing library generation.


Past Events & Webinars

  • 21

    Webinar - Enhancing Core Facility Operations: Automated Liquid Handling for High-Throughput, High-Quality NGS Library Generation

  • 29-31

    Cryo-EM in academia and industry 2024

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