Solutions that transform the way scientists work

Real-world challenges. Ingenious solutions.

SPT Labtech is a team of exceptionally skilled scientists, engineers and business innovators. We have one overarching mission: to work together to accelerate life science research. Through our innovative solutions and state-of-the-art tools, we believe we can make a real difference to human health.

Collaboration is at the heart of how we work. We listen to our customers and understand the challenges they face, which is why scientists and researchers globally trust us to develop exceptional, personalized solutions. We collaborate internally drawing on our teams’ breadth of expertize, from deep application knowledge to cutting-edge engineering and design. It means that when we recognize a need, we can innovate to meet it and take that idea from initial concept, to prototype, to final manufacture and market.

As an example, we’re helping drive forward challenges within genomics to resize life science with our work on miniaturization, accelerating breakthroughs and pioneering ideas in next generation sequencing. Working together with scientists, we’re achieving results not possible in larger volumes.

A broader portfolio. Bigger breakthroughs.


With the acquisition by EQT Private Equity in 2022, we are building on our strong foundation of organic and acquisition-driven growth to pursue an ambitious strategic vision of innovation, geographic expansion, and targeting of new markets to address the evolving needs of the life science community.

EQT's acquisition from Battery Ventures follows a period since 2018 during which we diversified and strengthened the SPT Labtech portfolio, allowing us to service an even broader range of needs for our customers.

In August 2019, the introduction of chameleon®, which enables the scalable application of cryo-electron microscopy to protein research and drug discovery, took place alongside our acquisition of Quantifoil and their portfolio of world-renowned support foils for electron microscopy. By bringing together this wealth of expertize we have established ourselves as the market leaders for next generation cryo-electron microscopy sample preparation.

In the summer of 2020, we strengthened our position in Asia with the acquisition of LBD Life Sciences, a leading instrumentation supplier in China, positioning us to meet the rapidly evolving needs of the world's fastest growing research community. We also opened an office in Japan, building on long-standing partnerships with Japanese life science distributors, enabling us to meet the needs of the community more effectively and helping to accelerate and elevate their research.

In 2021, we were able to expand our leading range of liquid handling technologies through the acquisition of Apricot Designs, a Californian company with a 30-year track record in supporting increasingly complex laboratory research requirements. As an industry leader in air displacement technology this has complemented our established positive displacement liquid handling range to create a broader and stronger portfolio. This acquisition also brings with it a successful OEM business supplying liquid handling technology to a wide range of life science partners.

2021 also saw the acquisition of BioMicroLab, a robotics automation provider, complementing our capabilities in modular, automated sample storage systems.

Combining these individual strengths within a single portfolio means we can continue to develop breakthrough instruments that not only meet today’s tough life science challenges but empower research success across an even broader spectrum in the future.

World-leading solutions, across the globe

Covina, CA, USA

Production centre for apricot and BioMicroLab range

melbourn map image
Melbourn (Cambridge), UK

Global Research and Development and production centre for core SPT Labtech range.

Quantifoil - Jena, Germany

Global Research and Development and production centre for Quantifoil range.

Tokyo, Japan

Commercial hub

Hangzhou, China

Production centre

Shanghai, China

Commercial hub

Delhi, India

Commercial hub


Collaborations inspiring ingenuity

Collaboration is key in our mission to make a real difference to human health. Partnering with application leaders globally, we co-create to solve new challenges across the life sciences.

View our partners

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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors are committed to driving the long-term success and sustainability of SPT Labtech, providing expert guidance and oversight to execute the company’s ambitious commercial strategy.

Meet our board of board of directors.


Executive Leadership

Our commitment to finding transformative solutions to support life sciences discovery is driven by the vision and leadership of our Executive Leadership team. Find out more about each member below.

Meet our executive leaders.
