Application Note
High-throughput bacterial isolation and culture using dragonfly® discovery for rapid single-cell dispensing in 384-well molten agar plates

Researchers at the Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine aim to perform high-throughput culturomics analysis of the vaginal microbiome with the goal of developing live biotherapeutics that modulate the composition and function of the vaginal microbiome to improve women’s gynecological and obstetric health.

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Classical culture methods of plating and colony picking are laborious and time-consuming. Researchers at the Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine are developing methods for high-throughput culturomics analyses integrating bacterial sorting, single-cell dispensing and dilution-to-extinction culture. By dispensing single cells into 384-well plates, hundreds or thousands of single strains can be isolated in one culture event. Plated agar is being used to verify that single cell colony-forming units are being dispensed. Dispensing single cells into high-density wells ensures that the colonies will not cross-contaminate, allows for robotics to resuspend the colonies for additional culture and storage, and increases the cultivation throughput.

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