When editing protocol steps, check the Errors panel on the right of the screen, in case your
changes cause problems elsewhere in the protocol which will need you to make changes to other
steps e.g., to load larger reagent volumes.
9.4.1 Adding steps
To add a step at the end of a protocol, click the Add step ‘+’ icon, use the Protocol menu item or click the ‘+’ icon below the Steps list on the right of the screen.
Select the action you want to add from the 'Add Step' menu or 'Add Step' pop-up form.
You can copy and paste one or more steps should you need them repeatedly in a protocol.
9.4.2 Inserting steps
To insert a step part way through a protocol:
- Select the step which will immediately follow the new addition.
- Right click and select ‘Insert’ from the popup menu to bring up the protocol steps menu, or select the main Protocol menu in the toolbar, then select ‘Insert Step’ from the dropdown menu.
- Select the specific function you wish to add from the insert menu.
Alternatively, you can use the insert function on the Steps panel. Again, select the step which will
immediately follow the new addition, then use the Insert function.
9.4.3 Grouping steps
If you have a long protocol, or one where the same steps and methods are used repeatedly, you can group them into a single Group. Select the steps, then click Group, on the left.
You will then see a single icon for all the grouped steps, which you can move, cut, copy and paste to use repeatedly in your protocol.
Give your group a descriptive name as you will not immediately see the steps contained in the group in the Steps view in Execute.
You will see the individual steps when you execute (see section 6.5) the protocol.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | Use this to give your group a meaningful name |
Color | Select from pop-up form | Use to identify and differentiate groups |
Cycles | Numeric | 1 or more iterations of the grouped steps |
You can ungroup them again by clicking the ungroup icon on the right. You can do this to see the steps contained in the group.
You do not need to use Ungroup to edit the steps. Double-click the group icon.
This opens the steps within the group.
If you have nested groups, you could then open the nested group in the same way (you can only have one group level at a time open).
The breadcrumbs bar will always show you which group you have open and where it sits within the protocol.
To exit a group and return to an 'outer' level, click the level you want to move to in the breadcrumbs bar (highlighted in red - this will exit to the main protocol level).
9.4.4 Repeating steps
To repeat a step exactly, right click on it and select Copy from the right click menu, or use the Ctrl-C shortcut. Right click again and select Paste (or use the Ctrl-V shortcut) and the step will be added to the end of the protocol, with all Properties unchanged.
To repeat a sequence of steps, make them into a group (see section 9.4.3) and set the group’s Cycles property to the number of repetitions you require.
To repeat a sequence at intervals throughout your protocol, create a Group for those steps and use Copy and Paste to use them repeatedly.
9.4.5 Re-ordering steps
To change the order in which steps execute, select the step you want to move, and drag it to its correct position. You may find it useful to adjust the Steps zoom level first, to get the view you need.
You may find it easiest to use Group before moving multiple steps, and then ungroup them after using drag and drop.
9.4.6 Deleting steps
To delete a step, either select it in the Steps or the Steps list at the right of the screen, then click on the bin below the Steps list, use the keyboard Delete key or Delete in the right click menu.
IMPORTANT: There is no undo function to reverse a deletion.
9.4.7 Pipetting Head: Load / Change EZL tips
Load / Change tips enables you to switch to clean pipetting tips. You will need to include this function twice in any protocol which will carry out pipetting operations, to load tips at the start and to unload them at the end of the protocol. Add a Tip Set as an asset, and then drag it to the Load / Change tips step.
You can use multiple tip sets in a protocol, to keep using new tips, but you will need to load sufficient tip sets for each change of tips.
You can use rows or columns of EZL tips, or full plates.
If you need more tip sets than you have space to load at the start of the protocol, use User Interactions to remove used tip sets and replenish new ones. A maximum of 8 tip sets can be defined and used in a protocol. For this reason, ensure that the fresh tips which are loaded when the tips are replenished, are of the same type as the tips that are removed from the deck.
At the end of a protocol, you must unload the final set of tips. The protocol will not execute if tips remain on the pipetting head at the end of the protocol.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation or select from the dropdown list | |
Behaviour | Select from dropdown list | Options are: Unload then load, Load only, Unload only |
Use the ‘Load only’ behavior when there are no tips on the head i.e., the first tip loading operation, and ‘Unload only’ at the end of the protocol. The Load/Change tips icon is modified, depending on the behavior selected; this makes it easier to keep track of what tips are available.
9.4.8 Pipetting Head: Load / Discard ATL tips
Load / Change tips enables you to switch to clean pipetting tips. You will need to include this function twice in any protocol which will carry out pipetting operations, to load tips at the start and to unload them at the end of the protocol. Add a Tip Box as an asset, and then drag it to the Load / Discard tips step.
You can use columns or full plates of ATL tips. If you use columns, the tips will be auto aligned to the right of the tip box.
You can use e.g., 3 columns from a tip box, then use the same tip box at a later point in the protocol to load fresh tips, so a single tip box may provide the tips for multiple protocol steps.
You also need to have loaded an empty tip box for unloading the used tips, as you might otherwise risk contaminating unused tips if you unloaded back into a partly filled box of new tips (it is possible, but firefly software will generate a warning if you do this). You can use a single waste tip box for different volume tips.
There are some limitations when loading and unloading ATL tips:
- The pipetting head cannot pick up or hold different tip types at the same time.
- The pipetting head cannot pick up tips that have different tiling patterns at the same time. When you discard tips, you must maintain the same tiling pattern, so you cannot e.g., discard
- 4 sets of 96 tips into a 384 tip box.
If you need more tip sets than you have space to load at the start of the protocol, use User Interactions to remove used tip sets and replenish new ones. You can use any number of ATL tip boxes.
At the end of a protocol, you must unload the final set of tips. The protocol will not execute if tips remain on the pipetting head at the end of the protocol.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation or select from dropdown list | |
Behaviour | Select from dropdown list | Options are: Load tips, Discard tips |
Columns | Numeric / Variable | See Scaling ATL column usage for using variables |
Consolidating part used tip boxes
You can use Load and Discard steps with no other processes, to combine partly used boxes of tips, or to arrange tips in a certain layout. This saves wasting tips and enables you to control how they are tiled.
It may also be useful if you want to run a protocol on an ATL head firefly which was originally written for an EZL firefly using strip tips, as there is no direct equivalent available. First design and run the protocol to arrange the tips e.g., to have a single strip of tips in the tip box. Then run the main protocol with that pre-prepared tip box.
9.4.9 Pipetting Head: Copy
Copy combines aspirate and dispense pipetting functions to copy a well array to a second well array, which can be in the same plate or in a second plate. The well arrays must be the same size and shape as shown below.
You can copy between 96 and 384 well plates, if you use an appropriate tiling pattern in the 384 well plate.
If you select a liquid class, other properties will automatically be set to suitable values, though you can edit these if you wish.
IMPORTANT: firefly software does not validate Tip Offset limits. Use these with caution. Incorrect values could lead to crashes or out of range execution errors. The range is mostly determined by the plate definition but there are absolute limits. For a 96-well plate +/-4.5 mm (half the well pitch) from the well center would be the absolute limit and +/-2.25 mm for a 384 well plate.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | The location from which liquid is aspirated. |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | The location to which liquid is dispensed. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | The volume of liquid transferred per well, from the source wells to the destination wells. |
Liquid Class | Select from dropdown list | Select from all installed liquid classes |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | The speed at which liquid is aspirated into the tip. |
Blowout volume (μL) | Numeric | A volume of air that is aspirated before the liquid. |
Air transport volume (μL) | Numeric | A volume of air that is aspirated after the liquid. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is aspirated into the tips. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the aspiration. |
Tip move speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move to the start height for the aspiration. |
Keep tips in wells | Tick box | Keeps the tips at the aspirate end height after liquid has been aspirated into the tips. No tip touch will be performed. |
Extraction speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move upwards after liquid has been aspirated into the tips. |
Enable liquid overshoot | Tick Box | Primes the position of the piston, which is necessary for accurate aspiration. |
Enable blowout overshoot | Tick Box | Primes the position of the piston, which is necessary for accurate aspiration. |
Enable transport overshoot | Tick Box | Primes the position of the piston, which is necessary for accurate aspiration. |
Tip Tracking
Auto tracking | Tick box | Automated z-movement to maintain tips beneath the liquid for the aspiration. |
Tip Liquid Offset (mm) | Numeric | Distance of the tips below the liquid surface when auto tracking is used. Set to zero if auto tracking is not used. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the aspirate will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the aspirate will finish when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip Touch
Method | Select from dropdown list | Position the tips will touch in the well after the aspiration. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dwell period (ms) | Numeric | Duration for which the tips will remain at the tip touch position |
Force | Select from dropdown list | The speed at which the tip touch is performed. |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | The speed at which liquid is dispensed from the tips. |
Blowout volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of air to dispense from the tips after the liquid. |
Air transport volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of air to dispense from the tips before the liquid. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is dispensed from the tips. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Tip move speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move to the dispense start height. |
Keep tips in wells | Tick box | Keeps the tips at the dispense end height after liquid has been dispensed from the tips. No tip touch will be performed. |
Extraction speed | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move upwards after liquid has been dispensed from the tips. |
Tip Tracking
Auto tracking | Tick box | Automated z-movement to maintain tips beneath the liquid for the dispense |
Tip tracking offset (mm) | Numeric | Distance of the tips below the liquid surface when auto tracking is used. Set to zero if auto tracking is not used. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the dispense will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Numeric |
Height in the well at which the dispense will finish when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip Touch
Method | Select from dropdown list | Position the tips will touch in the well after the dispense. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dwell period (ms) | Numeric | Duration for which the tips will remain at the tip touch position. |
Force | Select from dropdown list |
The speed at which the tip touch is performed.
9.4.10 Pipetting Head: Aspirate
Aspirate is a simple function to aspirate reagent from a plate well into a pipette tip. You can aspirate from a single plate or perform multiple aspirate steps into the same tips from different wells, so long as there is sufficient volume. You can use the aspirate and dispense functions to pipette between well arrays which are not possible when using Copy.
firefly software will warn you in the Errors panel if you have selected volumes which are
incompatible with the tips or wells used.
You can adjust multiple parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for
most reagents. If you select a liquid class, other properties will automatically be set to suitable
values, though you can edit these if you wish. Use the Advanced properties if you have reagents
which are particularly demanding, or for which you already know the optimal pipetting
parameters in detail.
IMPORTANT: firefly software does not validate Tip Offset limits. Use these with caution. Incorrect values could lead to crashes or out of range execution errors. The range is mostly determined by the plate definition but there are absolute limits. For a 96-well plate +/-4.5 mm (half the well pitch) from the well center would be the absolute limit and +/-2.25 mm for a 384 well plate.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list |
The location from which liquid is aspirated. |
Volume (µL/tip) | Numeric / Variable | The volume of liquid transferred per well, from the source wells to the destination wells. |
Liquid class | Select from dropdown list | Select from all installed liquid classes |
Speed (µL/s) | Numeric | The speed at which liquid is aspirated into the tip. |
Blowout volume (µL) | Numeric | A volume of air that is aspirated before the liquid. |
Air transport volume (µL) | Numeric | A volume of air that is aspirated after the liquid. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is aspirated into the tips. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the aspiration. |
Tip move speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move to the start height for the aspiration. |
Keep tips in wells | Tick Box | Keeps the tips at the aspirate end height after liquid has been aspirated into the tips. No tip touch will be performed. |
Extraction speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move upwards after liquid has been aspirated into the tips. |
Enable liquid overshoot | Tick Box | Primes the position of the piston, which is necessary for accurate aspiration. |
Enable blowout overshoot | Tick Box | Primes the position of the piston, which is necessary for accurate aspiration. |
Enable transport overshoot | Tick Box | Primes the position of the piston, which is necessary for accurate aspiration. |
Tip Tracking
Auto tracking | Tick Box | Automated z-movement to maintain tips beneath the liquid for the aspiration. |
Tip liquid offset (mm) | Numeric | Distance of the tips below the liquid surface when auto tracking is used. Set to zero if auto tracking is not used. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the aspirate will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the aspirate will finish when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip Touch
Method | Select from dropdown list | Position the tips will touch in the well after the aspiration. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dwell period (ms) | Numeric | Duration for which the tips will remain at the tip touch position. |
Force | Select from dropdown list | The speed at which the tip touch is performed. |
Tip tracking is a facility to move the tip lower into the well as more liquid is aspirated. By keeping the tip a set distance below the surface of the liquid, it is possible to ensure that the sample is aspirated from e.g., a particular layer, if the well contents have been separated.
9.4.11 Pipetting Head: Dispense
Dispense is a simple function to pipette from a tip into a well array.
You do not need to select a source; firefly will use the reagent which has already been aspirated into the pipette head.
Selecting a dispense step without a previous aspirate step will cause an error in the protocol.You can adjust multiple parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents.
Use the Advanced properties if you have reagents which are particularly demanding, or for which you already know the optimal dispense parameters in detail.
IMPORTANT: firefly software does not validate Tip Offset limits. Use these with caution. Incorrect values could lead to crashes or out of range execution errors. The range is mostly determined by the plate definition but there are absolute limits. For a 96-well plate +/-4.5 mm (half the well pitch) from the well center would be the absolute limit and +/-2.25 mm for a 384 well plate.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Volume (μL/tip) | Numeric | The volume of liquid transferred per well, from the source wells to the destination wells. |
Liquid class | Select from dropdown list | Select from all installed liquid classes |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | The speed at which liquid is aspirated into the tip. |
Blowout volume (μL) | Numeric | A volume of air that is aspirated before the liquid. |
Air transport volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of air to dispense from the tips before the liquid. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is aspirated into the tips. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Tip move speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move to the dispense start height. |
Keep tips in wells | Tick box | Keeps the tips at the aspirate end height after liquid has been aspirated into the tips. No tip touch will be performed. |
Extraction speed | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move upwards after liquid has been dispensed from the tips. |
Tip Touch
Auto tracking | Select from dropdown list | Position the tips will touch in the well after the dispense. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Tip Liquid Offset (mm) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the dispense will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Select from dropdown list | Height in the well at which the dispense will finish when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic and the height in mm update with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip Touch
Method |
Select from dropdown list |
Position the tips will touch in the well after the dispense. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dwell period (ms) | Numeric | Duration for which the tips will remain at the tip touch position. |
Force | Select from dropdown list | The speed at which the tip touch is performed. |
9.4.12 Pipetting Head: Mix
Mix aspirates then dispenses repeatedly, to mix the contents of a well. You can set the aspirate and dispense heights within the well to enhance the mixing of reagents in layers.
This step includes an additional aspirate and dispense at the end of the mix, this can be performed at a different speed or height in order to ensure clean tips and prevent tips dripping or being dirty when leaving the plate.
You can adjust multiple parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents.
IMPORTANT: firefly software does not validate Tip Offset limits. Use these with caution. Incorrect values could lead to crashes or out of range execution errors. The range is mostly determined by the plate definition but there are absolute limits. For a 96-well plate +/-4.5 mm (half the well pitch) from the well center would be the absolute limit and +/-2.25 mm for a 384 well plate.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Target | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Keep tips in wells | Tick box | Keeps the tips at the dispense end height after liquid has been dispensed from the tips. No tip touch will be performed. |
Extraction speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Speed at which the tips move downwards to the mix start height and upwards on completion of the mix. |
Blowout volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of air aspirated into the tip before the mix. |
Mix volume (μL/tip) | Numeric / Variable | Volume to aspirate and dispense for the mix. |
Mix cycles | Numeric / Variable | Number of times the mix volume is aspirated then dispensed. |
Tracking | Tick box | Automated tip tracking |
Aspirate height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well that the mix aspiration will start. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dispense height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well that the mix dispense will start. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | Speed at which liquid is aspirated into the tips. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is aspirated into the tips. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the aspiration. |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | Speed at which liquid is dispensed from the tips. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid has been dispensed from the tips. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Post mix
Auto tracking | Tick box | Automated z-movement to maintain tips beneath the liquid for the final aspiration and/or dispense after the mix. |
Tip Liquid Offset (mm | Numeric | Distance of the tips below the liquid surface when auto tracking is used. Set to zero if auto tracking is not used. |
Enable | Tick box | The post mix aspirate is optional. |
Volume (μL/tip) | Numeric | Volume of liquid transferred per well. |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | The speed at which liquid is aspirated into the tip. |
Air transport volume (μL) | Numeric | A volume of air that is aspirated after the liquid. |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is aspirated into the tips. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the aspirate will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic updates with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the aspirate will finish when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic updates with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the tip is offset from the center of the well for the aspiration. |
Enable | Tick box | The post mix dispense is optional |
Volume (μL/tip) | Numeric | Volume of liquid to dispense |
Speed (μL/s) | Numeric | Speed at which liquid is dispensed from the tips |
Air transport volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of air to dispense from the tips before the liquid |
Blowout volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of air to dispense from the tips after the liquid |
Pause (s) | Numeric | Delay immediately after liquid is dispensed from the tips. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the dispense will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic updates with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the dispense will finish when auto tracking is not use. The well graphic updates with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip offset (mm) | Numeric | Distance of the tips below the liquid surface when auto tracking is used. Set to zero if auto tracking is not used. |
Tip touch
Method | Select from dropdown list | Position the tips will touch in the well after the dispense. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dwell period (ms) | Numeric | Duration for which the tips will remain at the tip touch position. |
Force | Select from dropdown list | The speed at which the tip touch is performed. |
9.4.13 Pipetting Head: Purge
Purge is used to empty remaining reagent from tips e.g., before they are unloaded.
Use the Advanced Tip Tracking and Tip Touch functions if you want to be sure the tips are clean after purging, with no droplets on the tips.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Purge | ||
Purge speed (µL/s) | Numeric | Speed at which liquid is purged from the tips |
Pause (s) | Numeric | |
Tip tracking | ||
Auto tracking | Tick box | Automated z-movement to maintain tips beneath the liquid |
Tip liquid offset (mm) | Numeric | Distance of the tips below the liquid surface when auto tracking is used. Set to zero if auto tracking is not used. |
Start height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the purge will start when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic updates with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
End height (%) | Numeric | Height in the well at which the purge will finish when auto tracking is not used. The well graphic updates with your changed value. Not available when auto tracking is used. |
Tip touch | ||
Method | Select from dropdown list | Position the tips will touch in the well after the purge. Specify the side of the well or surface of the liquid. |
Height (%) | Numeric | Height from the top of the well at which the tip touch is performed. The well graphic updates with your changed value. |
Dwell period (ms) | Numeric | Duration for which the tips will remain at the tip touch position. |
Force | Select from dropdown list | The speed at which the tip touch is performed. |
9.4.14 Syringe Head: Aspirate
Aspirate is a simple function to aspirate reagent from a reservoir into a syringe.
You can adjust multiple parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents. Use the Advanced properties if you have reagents which are particularly demanding, or for which you already know the optimal dispense parameters in detail.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | [auto filled from the drag and drop operation, not editable] | |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of liquid aspirated. |
Preset | Select from dropdown list | Options for specific aspirate tasks |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Aspirate speed of the liquid |
Safeguard volume (μL) | Numeric | Additional volume aspirated into the syringe which remains in the syringe after the dispense. When using separate Dispense Head Aspirate and Dispense steps do not alter the default 40µL safeguard volume for the Aspirate to avoid a volume mismatch software error with the Dispense step. |
Reservoir extraction speed (mm/s) | Numeric |
Pre wet
Enable | Tick box | Aspirate then dispense liquid into the syringe to wet the syringe body and plunger. It is required before the initial aspiration of liquid into the syringe. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of aspirate/dispense cycles to perform for the pre-wet. |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed the piston rod moves the plunger up during the pre-wet. This will change the speed the liquid is aspirated into the syringe. |
Pause (ms) | Numeric | Time delay between each aspirate-dispense cycle of the pre-wet. It is not applied after the final repetition of the pre-wet. |
Shot distance (mm) | Numeric | The distance the piston rod is forced down by the solenoid for the shot of the pre-wet. Must be less than the up-down distance. |
Shot duration (ms) | Numeric | Duration the solenoid is energized to execute the shot of the pre-wet. |
Updown distance (mm) | Numeric | Distance the plunger moves up/down for the pre-wet. |
Pre dispense 1
Enable | Tick box | Priming dispense(s) performed prior to dispensing to the destination plate. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume to dispense per repetition of the pre-dispense. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of times to dispense the pre-dispense volume. |
Suckback threshold (μL) | Numeric | The maximum dispense volume to which suckback is applied. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre dispense 2
Enable | Tick box | Priming dispense(s) performed prior to dispensing to the destination plate. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume to dispense per repetition of the pre-dispense. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of times to dispense the pre-dispense volume. |
Suckback threshold (μL) | Numeric | The maximum dispense volume to which suckback is applied. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
9.4.15 Syringe Head: Dispense
Dispense is a simple function to dispense from one or more syringes into a well array. Select a reservoir for the source; firefly understands to use the syringe filled from that reservoir, and if there are multiple reservoirs filled with the same reagent, to use all the syringes for faster parallel dispensing.
You can adjust multiple parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents. Use the Advanced properties if you have reagents which are particularly demanding, or for which you already know the optimal dispense parameters in detail.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | |
Preset | Select from dropdown list | Options for specific tasks |
Syringe speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for solenoid dispenses. |
Syringe ramp | Select from dropdown list | Acceleration profile of the piston rod for a solenoid dispense. |
Max Shot Volume (μL) | Numeric | Maximum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Single Shot Min Volume (μL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Multi Shot Min Volume (μL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a multi shot solenoid dispense |
Pre Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each dispense. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each dispense. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Syringe Z Offset (mm) | Numeric | Z offset when putting syringe into well automatically does an up-down move in between dispenses. |
Syringe Offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the syringe is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Direct drive dispense
Move Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for direct drive dispenses |
Inter Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | |
Threshold (μL) | Numeric | The volume above which direct drive dispensing is enabled |
Auto Finishing Shot | Tick box | This step is optional, though included by default for direct drive dispensing. |
Finishing Shot Volume (µL) | Numeric | |
Finishing Shot Upper Threshold (µL) | Numeric |
9.4.16 Syringe Head: Fill
Fill is a single step function to aspirate from a reservoir and dispense into a well array. Drag and drop the required assets onto the step and check there are no volumetric errors.
You can adjust multiple aspirate and dispense parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume of liquid aspirated. |
Preset | Select from dropdown list | Options for specific tasks |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Aspirate speed of the liquid |
Safeguard volume (μL) | Numeric | Additional volume aspirated into the syringe which remains in the syringe after the dispense. |
Reservoir extraction speed (mm/s) |
Numeric |
Pre wet
Enable | Tick box | Aspirate then dispense liquid into the syringe to wet the syringe body and plunger. It is required before the initial aspiration of liquid into the syringe. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of aspirate/dispense cycles to perform for the pre-wet. |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed the piston rod moves the plunger up during the pre-wet. This will change the speed the liquid is aspirated into the syringe. |
Pause (ms) | Numeric | Time delay between each aspirate-dispense cycle of the pre-wet. It is not applied after the final repetition of the pre-wet. |
Shot distance (mm) | Numeric | The distance the piston rod is forced down by the solenoid for the shot of the pre-wet. Must be less than the up-down distance. |
Shot duration (ms) | Numeric | Duration the solenoid is energized to execute the shot of the pre-wet. |
Updown distance (mm) | Numeric | Distance the plunger moves up/down for the pre-wet. |
Pre dispense 1
Enable | Tick box | Priming dispense(s) performed prior to dispensing to the destination plate. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume to dispense per repetition of the pre-dispense. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of times to dispense the pre-dispense volume. |
Suckback threshold (μL) | Numeric | The maximum dispense volume to which suckback is applied. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre dispense 2
Enable | Tick box | Priming dispense(s) performed prior to dispensing to the destination plate. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume to dispense per repetition of the pre-dispense. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of times to dispense the pre-dispense volume. |
Suckback threshold (μL) | Numeric | The maximum dispense volume to which suckback is applied. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Syringe speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for solenoid dispenses. |
Syringe ramp | Select from dropdown list | Acceleration profile of the piston rod for a solenoid dispense. |
Max Shot Volume (μL) | Numeric | Maximum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Single Shot Min Volume (μL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Multi Shot Min Volume (μL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a multi shot solenoid dispense. |
Pre Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each dispense.For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each dispense.For solenoid dispenses only. |
Syringe Z Offset (mm) | Numeric | Z offset when putting syringe into well automatically does an up-down move in between dispenses. |
Syringe Offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the syringe is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Direct drive dispense
Move Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for direct-drive dispenses. |
Inter Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | |
Threshold (μL) | Numeric | The volume above which direct drive dispensing is enabled. |
Auto Finishing Shot | Tick box | This step is optional, though included by default for direct drive dispensing. |
Finishing Shot Volume (µL) | Numeric | |
Finishing Shot Upper Threshold (µL) |
Numeric |
9.4.17 Syringe Head: File Fill
File Fill is a variation of the Fill function which aspirates from a reservoir and dispenses variable
volumes across the plate which are inputted from a CSV file identified in the Properties. Drag and
drop the required assets onto the step and check there are no volumetric errors. When you have
selected the CSV file, a popup appears to show you the dispense pattern from the file data
Once you have chosen a file, the file name is shown in the protocol step.
You can adjust multiple aspirate and dispense parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Data File | Select using the pop up form | This is the file defining the dispense volumes. |
Preset | Select from dropdown list | Options for specific tasks |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | Aspirate speed of the liquid |
Safeguard volume (μL) | Numeric | Additional volume aspirated into the syringe which remains in the syringe after the dispense. |
Reservoir extraction speed (mm/s) |
Numeric |
Pre wet
Enable | Tick box | Aspirate then dispense liquid into the syringe to wet the syringe body and plunger. It is required before the initial aspiration of liquid into the syringe. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of aspirate/dispense cycles to perform for the pre-wet. |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed the piston rod moves the plunger up during the pre-wet. This will change the speed the liquid is aspirated into the syringe. |
Pause (ms) | Numeric | Time delay between each aspirate-dispense cycle of the pre-wet. It is not applied after the final repetition of the pre-wet. |
Shot distance (mm) | Numeric | The distance the piston rod is forced down by the solenoid for the shot of the pre-wet. Must be less than the up-down distance. |
Shot duration (ms) | Numeric | Duration the solenoid is energized to execute the shot of the pre-wet. |
Updown distance (mm) | Numeric | Distance the plunger moves up/down for the pre-wet. |
Pre dispense 1
Enable | Tick box | Priming dispense(s) performed prior to dispensing to the destination plate. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume to dispense per repetition of the pre-dispense. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of times to dispense the pre-dispense volume. |
Suckback threshold (μL) | Numeric | The maximum dispense volume to which suckback is applied. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre dispense 2
Enable | Tick box | Priming dispense(s) performed prior to dispensing to the destination plate. |
Volume (μL) | Numeric | Volume to dispense per repetition of the pre-dispense. |
Repetitions | Numeric | Number of times to dispense the pre-dispense volume. |
Suckback threshold (μL) | Numeric | The maximum dispense volume to which suckback is applied. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Pre Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each pre-dispense repetition. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Syringe speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for solenoid dispenses. |
Syringe ramp | Select from dropdown list | Acceleration profile of the piston rod for a solenoid dispense. |
Max Shot Volume (μL) | Numeric | Maximum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Single Shot Min Volume (μL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Multi Shot Min Volume (μL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a multi shot solenoid dispense |
Pre Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each dispense. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each dispense. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Syringe Z Offset (mm) | Numeric | Z offset when putting syringe into well automatically does an up-down move in between dispenses. |
Syringe Offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the syringe is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Direct drive dispense
Move Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for direct drive dispenses. |
Inter Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | |
Threshold (μL) | Numeric | The volume above which direct drive dispensing is enabled. |
Auto Finishing Shot | Tick box | This step is optional, though included by default for direct drive dispensing. |
Finishing Shot Volume (µL) | Numeric | |
Finishing Shot Upper Threshold (µL) |
Numeric |
9.4.18 Syringe Head: File Dispense
File Dispense is a variation of the Dispense function which dispenses variable volumes across the plate which are inputted from a CSV file identified in the Properties.
Drag and drop the required assets onto the step and check there are no volumetric errors. When you have selected the CSV file, a popup appears to show you the dispense pattern from the file data.
Once you have chosen a CSV file, the file name is shown in the protocol step.
You can adjust multiple dispense parameters for this step, but the pre-set default values should work for most reagents.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Destination | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Data File | Select using the pop up form | This is the file defining the dispense volumes. |
Preset |
Syringe speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for solenoid dispenses. |
Syringe ramp | Select from dropdown list | Acceleration profile of the piston rod for a solenoid dispense. |
Max Shot Volume (µL) | Numeric | Maximum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Single Shot Min Volume (µL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a solenoid dispense. |
Multi Shot Min Volume (µL) | Numeric | Minimum volume of a droplet used during a multi shot solenoid dispense |
Pre Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause before each dispense. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Post Dispense Pause (ms) | Numeric | The pause after each dispense. For solenoid dispenses only. |
Syringe Z Offset (mm) | Numeric | Z offset when putting syringe into well automatically does an up-down move in between dispenses. |
Syringe Offset (mm) | Numeric | The distance the syringe is offset from the center of the well for the dispense. |
Direct Drive Dispense
Move Speed (mm/s) | Numeric | The speed at which the piston rod moves downwards for direct drive dispenses |
Inter Dispense pause (ms) | Numeric | |
Threshold (µL) | Numeric | The volume above which direct drive dispensing is enabled. |
Auto Finishing Shot | Tick box | This step is optional, though included by default for direct drive dispensing. |
Finishing Shot Volume (µL) | Numeric |
9.4.19 Syringe Head: Purge
Purge is used to empty the remaining reagent from syringes. You must do this before they are removed.
The pre-set default values should work for most reagents. Use the Advanced properties if you have reagents which are particularly demanding.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Final Shot Duration (ms) | Numeric | Duration the solenoid is energized. |
Source | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Speed (mm/s) | Numeric |
9.4.20 Linked Dispensing
If you want to use multiple reagents with one plate, you can perform Aspirate, Dispense, File Fill, File Dispense or Purge steps concurrently.
- Create consecutive steps, two or more of the same type. Aspirate or Purge using different reservoirs but fill or dispense into the same plate.
- Select (shift + click) the steps you want to link. When you have done this, the Link function is enabled (on the left)
- Click Link and the steps will be linked. Linked steps show a chain-link icon below the text.
The steps will be performed concurrently not consecutively, speeding up protocol completion.
To unlink steps, select one or more of the linked steps and the Unlink function (on the right) will be enabled. Click this to unlink.
9.4.21 Other: Move
Move is a versatile function which you can use to:
- reposition assets on the same deck
- move assets between decks
- move assets between firefly and firefly+
- move assets on and off the shaker and the plate thermal module
- move assets on and off the thermal cycler
- create stacks (the same as Place On)
- remove assets from stacks (the same as Take Off)
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Source Item | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list | |
Deck Location | Select from dropdown list, including firefly+ locations if applicable |
Moves are validated so that you do not damage firefly or your labware e.g., you cannot move an EZL tip set to a location on the upper deck as it is too tall. When you select to move an asset, the software shows you a dropdown list of possible destination locations, and which of them are already occupied.
For firefly+ instruments, this is modified to include all firefly+ locations, plus the thermal cycler as possible destinations.
You cannot choose to move an asset to a deck location which is occupied unless the two assets can form a stack e.g. a 96 well plate on a 96 well magnetic block.
If you create an undefined stack, the software will raise an error telling you that you need to download the stack definition. You do not have to do this immediately; you can continue designing but you will not be able to run the protocol without it.
firefly may need to use an intermediate location e.g., for firefly+ grippers to set down a plate which is then picked up by firefly grippers, but you do not need to specify this in your move instructions. firefly software will warn you if you design a move which is not possible with the currently empty deck locations.
9.4.22 Other: Moving items between firefly and firefly+
The firefly+ grippers can only access 4 locations on the firefly decks; U2, U3, L2 and L3 (the transfer locations). Moving items between firefly and firefly+ is a two step process.
firefly+ grippers move the item between firefly+ (including the ODTC) and the transfer locations firefly grippers move the item between the transfer locations and other firefly locations including the shaker and thermal module.
firefly grippers can create stacks, or move items off stacks, but firefly+ grippers cannot. You may need to use two Move steps, to split the task of moving e.g., a plate from a thermal block to firefly+.
firefly software validates move steps and will warn you if you are attempting something which the grippers cannot perform. There are some general rules:
- firefly+ grippers cannot move stacks, except for lidded plates, so you cannot store stacks in the hotels.
- You can store lidded plates in the hotels, but you cannot use the grippers to remove the lid while the plate is on the shelves.
- Tip box adapters cannot be moved by the firefly+ grippers. If you will be loading numerous tip boxes, load a tip box adapter in L1 and move the tip boxes on and off of it. First move tip boxes from firefly+ to L2 or L3. Then use firefly grippers to place the tip box on the adapter.
9.4.23 Other: Place on
Place on is a very simple function to instruct the grippers to pick up one item and place it on another.
Drag and drop Assets to the top and bottom item positions: if you attempt something which is not possible e.g. making the plate thermal module a top item, the software will not let you drop the item.
Allowed combinations are:
- Plates can go on the decks, firefly+ shelves, risers, thermal block, magnetic block, the shaker and the thermal cycler.
- Lids can go on the decks or plates; clean, unused lids can also go on firefly+ shelves. Used lids can be placed on a shelf protector, or directly on the shelves if you do not have concerns about contamination.
- Magnetic blocks can only go onto the decks, not the firefly+ shelves.
- Thermal blocks can go onto the decks, firefly+ shelves or the plate thermal module
- ATL tip boxes can be placed on tip box adapters, or directly on upper or lower decks or shelves
Property | Form |
Description | Free text |
Top item | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list |
Base item | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list |
When you use Place on, you create a stack. Check the Errors panel: if you have created an
undefined stack, you will need to download the definition from Community. You do not have to do
this immediately; you can continue designing but you will not be able to run the protocol without
9.4.24 Other: Take off
Take off is a very simple function to instruct the grippers to pick up a stacked item and remove it.
Drag and drop an Asset to the bottom item position and firefly software will automatically identify the item directly above it, to be removed. If the stack is plate thermal module - thermal block - plate, if you select the module as the base item, it will remove both the block and the plate as a small stack.
Property | Form |
Description | Free text |
Top item | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list |
Base item | Auto filled from the drag and drop operation, but can be edited from dropdown list |
9.4.25 Other: Heat / Cool
Use Heat / Cool to control the warming or cooling of the thermal blocks during protocol execution.
Use Properties to set the temperature and behavior:
- Start and continue’ to have the protocol continue with the next step while the thermal module gets to temperature. If you do this, be aware that depending on your protocol design, the thermal module may be used before your set temperature is reached. You could use a pause to delay using the plate thermal module or aspirating from the reagent reservoirs if temperature is process critical, while enabling other actions e.g., tip loading or user interactions to take place.
- ‘Start and wait’ means that firefly will do nothing until the temperature setpoint is reached. Heating or cooling rates are dependent on the plate types and reagents used but for example a 96 well plate filled with 50μL water is cooled from 24°C to 4°C in about 5 minutes.
When you run your protocol, the software will prompt you to start heating or cooling the thermal
modules(s) in use as part of the protocol setup. If you know that they will not be needed until late
in a long protocol, you may decide not to start them immediately.
Use a Move or Place On step to put a thermal block on the plate thermal module so that it is heated or cooled before you use another Move or Place On to put the plate on the thermal block. Alternatively make a stack with the plate and thermal block and place them on at the same time but then the thermal block will be heating or cooling while the plate does.
If you have the plate thermal module behavior as ‘Start and continue’, your plate will be kept at the set temperature while you carry out subsequent steps. You can use a Pause step if you want to continue heating or cooling for a defined period, or if you don’t need any concurrent actions.
Use another Heat / Cool step if you want to modify the temperature while the plate is on the plate thermal module.
Use Move or Take Off to remove the plate, or select the thermal block to remove and the plate together as a stacked object.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Thermal module | Select from dropdown list | plate thermal module, reservoir thermal module |
Behavior | Select from dropdown list | Start & wait, Start & continue, Stop |
Temperature | Numeric | -20°C to 99°C in steps of 0.1°C |
Use a Heat / Cool step with ‘Stop’ behavior to stop the plate thermal module from heating or cooling once you finish using it. Do not set the temperature. This will minimize the heat emissions within firefly and help to keep the internal temperature stable. If you have heated the plate thermal module, this will cool it as soon as possible, making user access to the basement safer.
9.4.26 Other: Shake
To use the Shaker Module, you must first use Move or Place On to move the plate to it.
NOTE: You cannot place trough plates on the shaker.
Use Shake to control the plate shaking process by setting the behavior properties:
- Choose ‘Start and continue’ to have the protocol continue with the next step while the Shaker is shaking.
- If you want shaking to continue for the duration of the subsequent step or steps and only stop when that is complete, set the Duration to a much longer period than those steps will require, then include a Shake step with Stop as the behavior after the last of those steps.
- Choose ‘Start and wait’, to have firefly do nothing until the shake duration is completed.
Then use Move or Take Off to remove the plate from the shaking module.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Behavior | Select from dropdown list | Start & wait, Start & continue, Stop |
Speed | Numeric | Possible values are 200 - 3000rpm |
Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) | hours:minutes:seconds | Possible values are 1 second - 23 hours, 59 mins, 59 seconds |
9.4.27 Other: Incubate
This is only enabled on firefly+ instruments with a thermal cycler.
To use the thermal cycler, you will need to write both a pre- method and a main method, using the Inheco ODTC Script Editor 3. Export them as a single XML file. In firefly software, you can choose whether to run these separately, or consecutively, in the same Incubate step, but you must run both a pre-method and a main method.
You use the pre-method to get the ODTC mount and lid to the correct starting temperature to execute your main method (this is mandatory in Inheco's protocol design software).
To pre-chill the ODTC before using it, run the pre-method as a single Incubate firefly protocol step, with no plate loaded. Then load the plate and run the main ODTC method as a second Incubate step.
Use Behaviour to define what firefly does while the thermal cycler method runs:
- Choose 'Execute and continue' to have the protocol continue with the next step while the thermal cycler runs.
- 'Execute and wait' means that firefly will do nothing until the thermal cycler method has completed.
- 'Stop' stops the incubation protocol.
If you have an ODTC hold step in an ODTC protocol and use a 'Start and wait' property in the incubate step, the firefly protocol will only wait for the ODTC protocol steps. It does not continue to wait during the ODTC Hold command.
You can also use Behaviour to set whether the ODTC lid is open or closed while incubating.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Behaviour | Select from dropdown list | Execute & continue, Execute & wait, Open lid, Close lid, Stop |
Method File | Select using the pop up form | This is the XML file defining the thermal cycle steps. |
Method Type | Select from dropdown list | Run pre method, Run main method or Run both. |
9.4.28 Other: User interaction
Create a User interaction step whenever you need the user to add or remove materials from firefly, to remove the plate for processing on a different instrument e.g., a thermocycler or any other manual task.
When the protocol runs, the Description will be shown to the user as instructions. When they click OK, they will be confirming that they have completed all the manual tasks and that firefly should continue running the protocol. You might want to include that in your instructions.
Use the Rest state property to enable safe access to firefly. As it is not possible to easily access all areas of the instrument at the same time, setting this property will ensure decks and heads are moved clear of the labware requiring user interaction.
- If you need to access both the reservoirs and the upper deck, create two consecutive user interaction steps, one for each area, setting the rest state for each area in turn.
- If you do not want the heads moved, or any disruption to firefly hardware during the user interaction, select ‘Do nothing’. This may make access more awkward, and you might want to warn the user about that in the User Interaction instructions.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | Use for the user instructions |
Rest state | Select from dropdown list | List of possible instrument areas to access. Home will return both heads and decks to their home positions, also the firefly+ grippers if the instrument has them. |
9.4.29 Other: Lights
firefly is fitted with LED lights. These make user interactions or monitoring the protocol easier as firefly's cabinet blocks the room light.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | |
Is enabled | Tick box | The default selection is that white lights are on. |
Color | Select from pop-up form | Select the color lighting. The selected color will be shown on the icon in the protocol. |
You may wish to turn the lights off for all or part of your protocol, if you have sensitive materials. Alternatively, you may find that you can specify a color for the lights (like a red light in a photographic darkroom) which is safe for your reagents or process.
If firefly goes into error, the lights will return to the default error state, e.g., they will be turned on as white lights, irrespective of the previous setting in the protocol.
9.4.30 Notes
Notes appear in protocol design views as Post-it notes. Use them to give information to the user that does not interrupt the firefly workflow.
When executing a protocol, notes are shown with a yellow background in the Steps.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | This is the text of the note |
9.4.31 Pause
Pause will put firefly into an inactive state e.g., while a plate is cooling on the plate thermal module.
Property | Form | Notes |
Description | Free text | Use to describe purpose of the pause |
Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) | hours:minutes:seconds |
1 second - 23 hours, 59 mins, 59 seconds
Rest State | Select from dropdown list |
List of possible instrument areas to access. Home will return both heads and decks to their home positions, and home the firefly+ grippers if applicable.
You can use the rest state to move heads away from plates e.g., by homing them, if you are concerned that reagents might drip into the plates during the pause.
You do not need to use Pause for a user interaction i.e., to remove the plate from firefly. The instrument will pause until the user clicks ‘OK’ on the user interaction instruction to confirm that they have completed it.