Adjusting the air pressure for a lab2lab device - 5.0

If you find the vials are not travelling at the required speed from a device i.e. you are seeing timeout errors, you can adjust the air flow and pressure for the device to boost it and speed up delivery. These are set during installation and commissioning and should not need to be adjusted. 

  1. Firstly, increase the air flow, using the adjustment knob on the flow controller at the back of the device.  
  2. If this does not solve the problem, remove the back cover of the device, and check the operating air pressure on the gauge on the regulator.  


  3. Adjust the knob on top further, checking the pressure on the gauge. The device air pressure should never be less than 4 bar as the valves inside the device will fail to operate.  
  4. Replace the cover.

If the speed of the vials in the system is still not sufficient, the supply pressure of the system is too low and should be increased. A building supply of between 4 - 8 bar is acceptable, 6 bar is optimal. 


Adjusting the airflow to a sender or receiver - 6.0 >>>