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dragonfly methods

Methods that return a Task are asynchronous and will return immediately, before the operation is
complete. Calling these methods using ‘await’ from within ‘async’ methods will allow you to
determine when the operation is complete.


Creates the dragonfly object, setting up a connection to the dragonfly server object using the
default host and port.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

Dragonfly(string dragonflyHost, int dragonflyPort)

Creates the dragonfly object, setting up a connection to the dragonfly server object using
specified host and port.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException


Disposes of the object and terminates the connection (if it still exists) with the dragonfly
application server object.

bool IsOK()

Returns true if the machine is OK, false otherwise.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

bool IsReady()

Returns true if the instrument is ready/idle, and available to start a task. It returns false if it is
currently in the middle of performing a task (e.g. running a dispense, aspirating, resetting, etc).

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

bool CheckConnection()

Returns true if the dragonfly application is connected, false otherwise.

Actively checks whether there is still a connection to the dragonfly application. After calling this,
when there is no longer a connection, IsConnected will return false.

Without a call to this method first, IsConnected may return true even if there is not a connection,
because the dragonfly automation object may not have registered that the connection has been

Task ResetAsync()

Awaitable async method to Reset the dragonfly machine.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

void LoadExperimentFile(string filePath)

Attempts to load a dragonfly experiment (.dfx) file.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

void LoadCSVFile(string filePath)

Attempts to load a dragonfly platemap (.csv) file.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task RunAsync()

Runs a dispense of the currently selected layer, asynchronously. As this is an async method, it
should be used with the await operator.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

void StopRun()

Stops any current dispense run. This method issues a stop request and returns immediately. If no
dispense run is currently running, it has no effect.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyException

Task RunSimulationAsync()

Runs a simulation dispense of the currently selected layer, asynchronously.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

void StopSimulation()

Stops any current simulation dispense run. This method issues a stop request and returns
immediately. If no simulation dispense run is currently running, it has no effect.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyException

Task ParkAndReleaseAsync()

Parks the deck in the standard position, and releases the plate clamp, asynchronously.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

bool IsParkedAndReleased()

Returns true if the deck is in the parked position with the clamp released, false otherwise.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

Task ParkUnderLidAsync()

Parks the deck in the incubation position, asynchronously.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

bool IsParkedUnderLid()

Returns true if the deck is parked under the incubation lid, false otherwise.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

void SwitchLayer(int nextLayerIndex)

Changes the selected layer to the layer with the index passed in, if possible (i.e. if a layer at this
index exists). The index is 0-based.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException

void SwitchToNextLayer()

Changes the selected layer to the one after the currently selected layer, if there is one, otherwise
does nothing.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException

void SwitchToPreviousLayer()

Changes the selected layer to the one before the currently selected layer, if there is one, otherwise does nothing.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException

int GetCurrentLayerIndex()

Returns the 0-based index of the currently selected layer.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

int GetTotalNumberOfLayers()

Returns the total number of layers in the currently loaded experiment.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

string GetExperimentFolderPath()

Returns the folder path for the default location where dragonfly experiment and CSV files are

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

List<int> GetSyringeVolumes()

Returns a list of values that describe the volume of liquid, in μl, in each syringe. List ordered in
accordance with the head index. Reported volumes may not be meaningful if this method is called while dragonfly is busy.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

List<bool> GetSyringesFitted()

Returns a list of bools that indicate which heads have syringes connected. List is ordered in
accordance with head indexes.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

Task MultiAspirate(int multiple)

Aspirates for the currently selected layer the specified number of times. The volume of liquid
aspirated will be limited by the capacity of the syringe. dragonfly considers the volume of liquid
already in the syringe before aspirating. For example, if MultiAspirate(2) is called twice, the second call will have no effect.

Note that this is an async method, so should be used with the await operator.

    await _dragonflyServer.MultiAspirate(MultiAspirateCount);

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task AspirateCurrentLayer()

Aspirates all syringes with assigned heads in the current layer. A layer must be selected, and
syringes must be fitted to all heads that have liquids assigned.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task AspirateToVolume(Dictionary <int, int> aspirateVolumeMap)

Requests that syringes aspirate the specified volume of liquid, in μl. Only syringes that are
required to aspirate should be included in the dictionary.

Note – the volume of liquid aspirated will be slightly greater than that requested. This is because
dragonfly over aspirates slightly in order to ensure that there is sufficient liquid for subsequent
dispenses. Typically, this volume is in the region of 5μl.

The dictionary key identifies the head index.

The dictionary value is the volume of liquid that should be aspirated, in μl.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task AspirateToMaxVolume(List<int> headIndexes)

Aspirates syringes to their maximum volume, identified by their head index. Syringes whose head indexes do not appear in the list will not aspirate.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task Purge(List<int> headIndexes)

Purges all heads in the list of head indexes that have a syringe fitted.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task PurgeAll()

Purges all heads that have a syringe fitted.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task PurgeAndRemove(List<int> headIndexes)

Purges and removes all heads in the list that have a syringe fitted.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task PurgeAndRemoveAll()

Purges and removes all heads that have a syringe fitted.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task EngageAll()

Engages all heads that have a syringe fitted.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task ConnectToAllAssignedPumps()

Attempts to establish a comms connection with every pump that is assigned to an AFR group.
Pumps will still need to be started once a connection has been established.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

bool AreAllAssignedPumpsConnected()

Returns true if a connection has been established with all pumps that are assigned to an AFR

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

bool AreAllAssignedPumpChannelsRunning()

Returns true if all pump channels that are assigned to an AFR group are running.

Possible exception: dragonflyNotConnectedException

Task StartAllAssignedPumpChannels()

Starts every pump channel that is assigned to an AFR group.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task StopAllPumpChannels()

Stops every pump channel that is currently running.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException ,

Task TestAsync()

Used for async API testing.

Possible exceptions: dragonflyNotConnectedException , dragonflyBusyException

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