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  2. dragonfly discovery
  3. dragonfly discovery Auto-Feed Reservoirs (AFRS)

Using the pump control

Use the pump icon button next to the reservoir configuration button to open the pump control

On the Overview page are buttons to quickly connect, start and stop the pumps on all channels.

All the pump channels that have been assigned to an AFR group in the reservoir configuration will be started. If you need to set up a specific pump, use its tab.

If a pump does not connect, it may be because the default pump COM ports configuration does
not correspond to the COM ports used when connecting a pump.

To change the COM port:

1. Go to the COM Setup page
2. Select an available COM port from the list
3. Check it connects
4. Save the new port configuration to config

If more than one pump is configured and you are not sure of their identities in software, use the
named pump tabs to start individual channels on a specific pump in order to identify which pump
is Pump A, Pump B or Pump C.

Next article - Auto-Feed Reservoirs (AFRs)