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  2. lab2lab
  3. System Administrators Manual

Lab2lab director: user interface - 6.4 Service page

6.4.1 Log

Clicking on the Log button shows a screen listing, in chronological order, recent important Log entries. These are color coded as:  

  • blue for general information 
  • yellow for warning messages 
  • red for error messages 


These are a very small subset of all the messages written to the log file in the Logs sub-folder. These log files are human readable but contain a very large amount of data and are intended for SPT Labtech staff to analyze.

6.4.2 Settings

The Settings page is described in the 'lab2lab Laboratory Manager's Manual'. 

6.4.3 Clients

The Clients page lists the names of all PCs or laptops on the network that are hosting the lab2lab Client application as well as the version number of the Client. This will not include any Clients running on the same PC as the Director.