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Lab2lab director config.xml file - 13.3 Database


<!-- Database --> 
<add key="Database.Oracle.Username" value="C##director"/> 
<add key="Database.Oracle.Password" value="fabrik"/> 
<add key="Database.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=XE)));"/> 
<add key="Database.LocalDB3MonthArchivesEnabled" value="false"/> 
<add key="Database.AutomaticallyDeleteOldData" value="false"/> 
<add key="Database.UseLocalIniFileForMethodDefinitons" value="true"/> 

Mandatory Parameters: 

<add key="Database.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=XE)));"/> 




Connection string to the Oracle database. This can be on the local PC or could be remotely hosted (and shared by multiple lab2lab systems). 

Optional Parameters: 

<add key="Database.Oracle.Username" value="C##director"/> 
<add key="Database.Oracle.Password" value="fabrik"/> 
<add key="Database.LocalDB3MonthArchivesEnabled" value="false"/> 
<add key="Database.AutomaticallyDeleteOldData" value="false"/> 
<add key="Database.UseLocalIniFileForMethodDefinitons" value="true"/> 




The username and password for the Oracle account to be used to connect to the database. Either both must be present or neither. If neither are present then the system will use the default credentials used in the schema set up script. Alternatively they can be included in the connection string, (by adding this to the end of the Connection string: User Id=director;Password=pword;). 




If present and set to true, then this parameter means that lab2lab will generate an archive of the entire database every three months. This will not work for a remote, centrally hosted database. 


If present and set to true, then this parameter means that lab2lab will delete data from the database that is either 3 months or 12 months old (depending on how important it is), with the exception of the System History records, which only increase by one row of data per day. 


If the lab2lab system is part of a network of lab2lab systems with a Superconductor installation controlling inter-system vial transfers then this parameter should be in Config.xml and set to false. This will force the Director application to get the list of valid methods from the central database, the contents of which are controlled by the Superconductor. This ensures that all lab2lab systems and their Clients reference the same list of available methods.