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  2. lab2lab
  3. System Administrators Manual

Building2building - 14.1 Building2building configuration


The system can be configured in several ways. The figure above shows the user interface of the building2building application when the system is set up to connect two lab2lab systems but building2building can connect lab2lab to a Sender or a Collection Point in another building.  

During vial movement various element of the user interface are animated or change color to illustrate the current activity. When a vial is being sent between the two Transceivers the time taken is displayed above the connecting pipe. 


When sending a vial to a lab2lab system, building2building handles long distance vial transfers while lab2lab processes local vials. lab2lab only becomes aware of the vial when it arrives in the local Transceiver. At that point handshaking takes place between the two software applications and the vial is sent to the Router.